Volume 10, Issue 2

SCIGRIP—A New PPX5 Polyolefin Adhesive.

Designers of plastic components are often faced with the problem of wanting to use low energy surface plastics such as polypropylene and polyethylene because of their inherent benefits, such as low cost, durability, etc. They have to devise mechanical means of joining the New PPX5 Polyolefin Adhesive parts to other plastics or metals, or use a variety of primers or pre-treatments that are not always particularly successful. PPX5 Ultimate Plastic Bonder has been developed to bond these surfaces effectively, with no special pre-treatments s low odor, F, 10:1 mix ratio thixotropic adhesive, which produces tough resilient bonds and is resistant to most chemicals including ethylene glycol, iso-pentane, brake fluid, and power steering fluid. PPX5 Ultimate Plastic Bonder?  Mechanical fasteners can be costly and time-consuming to attach. They have to be designed into some moldings thus restricting flexibility of use. Hot melts are not always suitable or practical for structural bonding.  Plastic welding tends to be for small surface edge bonding, which has only localized strength.  For more information, download the Technical Data Sheet at https://www.foustmarketing.com/pdf_files/scigrip/PPX5TDS.pdf.

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