Harrison—Largest PVC and CPVC Duct Inventory
Harrison Machine & Plastic based in Garrettsville, OH maintains the largest inventory of high-quality PVC and CPVC Duct Pipe and Fittings. Harrison carries one of the largest duct pipe inventories in several locations in the US. In addition, they maintain a large inventory of duct fittings: elbows, tees, dampers, blastgates, flanges, and more.
Harrison duct systems are fabricated to your specifications. Harrison duct and piping is offered from 2″ to 60″. Fittings are made to customer or SMACNA specifications. Harrison is a Certified Corzan® CPVC Qualified Fabricator. Harrison duct pipe and fittings are cost-effective for industrial corrosive fume, exhaust and drain applications. Harrison duct and fittings are light weight, making it easy to handle and install, and has excellent chemical resistance. For a complete list of available duct fittings, visit www.harrisonplastic.com/cpvcdimensions.html.